Cancel your plans! We’ve got our Editor’s Picks for exciting things to do this Saturday!


Concord Arts Market

brbrSaturday, August 02, 2014br|br09:00AM – 03:00PMbrbr
brJuried weekly, outdoor artisan and fine arts market / No market August 30brRead More


A Day of Tango

brbrSaturday, August 02, 2014br|br01:00PM – 12:00AMbrbr
brArgentine Tango workshops, practice, and milonga / Guest instructor Judith SchwartzbrRead More



Paul Lovely

brbrSaturday, August 02, 2014br|br07:30PMbrbr
brLive Jazz Sunday-Thursday!brbrNow Featuring Live Bands on Saturday Nights!!brAlternative Music, Rock, Folk, Blues, Funk and JazzbrRead More


Into the Woods, Jr.

brbrFriday, August 01, 2014br|br02:00PM – 12:00AMbrbr
brABOUT THE SHOWbrAll of your favorite characters—Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack (and his beanstalk), and the Witch—meet and interact in this whimsical original story….brRead Morebr

brAre you involved with local businesses, groups, or organizations? Or do you just know of an event you would like to us to know about?  We would love to hear from you! It’s simple, you can start by posting your event to our calendar, and finish by introducing yourself to us! We’re looking forward to hearing from you! ALSO, Don’t forget to check out our calendar for fun events for all ages! Be sure to post your events and tell your favorite venues, promoters, and businesses to post their events as well.    