If there is an emergency…what should you do with your pets?brbr

First and foremost, be prepared. Make sure your pet’sbrtags are up to date, and that you have everything necessary. If you know abrstorm is coming you can always call your veterinarian or a local shelter, andbrdepending on area, may allow you to bring your pet there where someone will bebrwith them 24/7 during a weather emergency. Here are a few tips on how to carebrfor your pets in a dangerous situation.


Alwaysbrbring your pet with you if you have to evacuate!


Pets IDs and tags shouldbrbe up to date.


If you stay, make surebrthere is a secure place for your pet. Have a crate for your pet. Write with abrwaterproof marker your pet’s name and your address and phone number on crate.


Put a copy of your pet’sbrvaccine records In a Zip-Lock bag, as well as the vet hospital where yourbranimal is usually treated. Then tape to crate. (If your pet is on regularbrmedication, make sure you meds are in the bag with times of administration.)


Have a harness (not abrneck collar) for your animal in case there is water damage and you need tobrswim. (If you have a life vest on hand for your animal, all the better.)


Take PLENTY of food forbryour pet, at least a weeks’ worth if you can.


Make sure your dog/catbrhave a microchip (in case you are separated). As well as have a printed outbrpicture in case you need to post pictures around the area or online.


For thunderstorms orbrloud noises, you can use “Thundershirt” to calm your animal. (available online).


Have an extra blanket,brbed, sweatshirt of yours to calm and sooth your pet.

Who would you be taking care of?

Share a photo of your pet(s) in the comments below. You can even vote for your favorites!